Dr. Hugh Long
Office 207
ACA Performing Arts Building
Dr. Long is an assistant professor of English and Drama and the artistic director of the Athenian Players. He has directed 16 productions with the Athenian Players, including Picnic, The Phantom Lady, The Fantasticks, Geek!, Verdigris, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, The Importance of Being Ernest, and The Glass Menagerie. Dr. Long has taught a variety of theatre history, dramatic literature, acting, and stage combat courses at Tufts University, Eastern Connecticut State University, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Dean College, and Northern Essex Community College. His research interests center on the historical application of theatrical violence in early modern English and Spanish Theatre and Performance Practices. Dr. Long’s teaching subjects cover a broad range of topics such as Modern European and American Theatre, Early Modern Dramatic Literature, Classical Greek Tragedy, Post-Colonial Theatre, and Dramatic Theory.