gger_error('Favicon handling has been removed, please use your own handling', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } /** * Get the favicon for the current feed * * @deprecated Use your own favicon handling instead */ public function get_favicon() { trigger_error('Favicon handling has been removed, please use your own handling', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (($url = $this->get_link()) !== null) { return '' . urlencode($url); } return false; } /** * Magic method handler * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments to the method * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (strpos($method, 'subscribe_') === 0) { trigger_error('subscribe_*() has been deprecated, implement the callback yourself', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return ''; } if ($method === 'enable_xml_dump') { trigger_error('enable_xml_dump() has been deprecated, use get_raw_data() instead', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } $class = get_class($this); $trace = debug_backtrace(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.ArgumentFunctionsReportCurrentValue.NeedsInspection $file = $trace[0]['file']; $line = $trace[0]['line']; throw new SimplePieException("Call to undefined method $class::$method() in $file on line $line"); } /** * Sorting callback for items * * @access private * @param SimplePie $a * @param SimplePie $b * @return boolean */ public static function sort_items($a, $b) { $a_date = $a->get_date('U'); $b_date = $b->get_date('U'); if ($a_date && $b_date) { return $a_date > $b_date ? -1 : 1; } // Sort items without dates to the top. if ($a_date) { return 1; } if ($b_date) { return -1; } return 0; } /** * Merge items from several feeds into one * * If you're merging multiple feeds together, they need to all have dates * for the items or else SimplePie will refuse to sort them. * * @link * @param array $urls List of SimplePie feed objects to merge * @param int $start Starting item * @param int $end Number of items to return * @param int $limit Maximum number of items per feed * @return array */ public static function merge_items($urls, $start = 0, $end = 0, $limit = 0) { if (is_array($urls) && sizeof($urls) > 0) { $items = []; foreach ($urls as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof SimplePie) { $items = array_merge($items, $arg->get_items(0, $limit)); } else { trigger_error('Arguments must be SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); } } usort($items, [get_class($urls[0]), 'sort_items']); if ($end === 0) { return array_slice($items, $start); } return array_slice($items, $start, $end); } trigger_error('Cannot merge zero SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); return []; } /** * Store PubSubHubbub links as headers * * There is no way to find PuSH links in the body of a microformats feed, * so they are added to the headers when found, to be used later by get_links. * @param \SimplePie\File $file * @param string $hub * @param string $self */ private function store_links(&$file, $hub, $self) { if (isset($file->headers['link']['hub']) || (isset($file->headers['link']) && preg_match('/rel=hub/', $file->headers['link']))) { return; } if ($hub) { if (isset($file->headers['link'])) { if ($file->headers['link'] !== '') { $file->headers['link'] = ', '; } } else { $file->headers['link'] = ''; } $file->headers['link'] .= '<'.$hub.'>; rel=hub'; if ($self) { $file->headers['link'] .= ', <'.$self.'>; rel=self'; } } } /** * Get a DataCache * * @param string $feed_url Only needed for BC, can be removed in SimplePie 2.0.0 * * @return DataCache */ private function get_cache($feed_url = '') { if ($this->cache === null) { // @trigger_error(sprintf('Not providing as PSR-16 cache implementation is deprecated since SimplePie 1.8.0, please use "SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()".'), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $cache = $this->registry->call(Cache::class, 'get_handler', [ $this->cache_location, $this->get_cache_filename($feed_url), Base::TYPE_FEED ]); return new BaseDataCache($cache); } return $this->cache; } } class_alias('SimplePie\SimplePie', 'SimplePie'); gger_error('Favicon handling has been removed, please use your own handling', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } /** * Get the favicon for the current feed * * @deprecated Use your own favicon handling instead */ public function get_favicon() { trigger_error('Favicon handling has been removed, please use your own handling', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); if (($url = $this->get_link()) !== null) { return '' . urlencode($url); } return false; } /** * Magic method handler * * @param string $method Method name * @param array $args Arguments to the method * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $args) { if (strpos($method, 'subscribe_') === 0) { trigger_error('subscribe_*() has been deprecated, implement the callback yourself', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return ''; } if ($method === 'enable_xml_dump') { trigger_error('enable_xml_dump() has been deprecated, use get_raw_data() instead', \E_USER_DEPRECATED); return false; } $class = get_class($this); $trace = debug_backtrace(); // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.FunctionUse.ArgumentFunctionsReportCurrentValue.NeedsInspection $file = $trace[0]['file']; $line = $trace[0]['line']; throw new SimplePieException("Call to undefined method $class::$method() in $file on line $line"); } /** * Sorting callback for items * * @access private * @param SimplePie $a * @param SimplePie $b * @return boolean */ public static function sort_items($a, $b) { $a_date = $a->get_date('U'); $b_date = $b->get_date('U'); if ($a_date && $b_date) { return $a_date > $b_date ? -1 : 1; } // Sort items without dates to the top. if ($a_date) { return 1; } if ($b_date) { return -1; } return 0; } /** * Merge items from several feeds into one * * If you're merging multiple feeds together, they need to all have dates * for the items or else SimplePie will refuse to sort them. * * @link * @param array $urls List of SimplePie feed objects to merge * @param int $start Starting item * @param int $end Number of items to return * @param int $limit Maximum number of items per feed * @return array */ public static function merge_items($urls, $start = 0, $end = 0, $limit = 0) { if (is_array($urls) && sizeof($urls) > 0) { $items = []; foreach ($urls as $arg) { if ($arg instanceof SimplePie) { $items = array_merge($items, $arg->get_items(0, $limit)); } else { trigger_error('Arguments must be SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); } } usort($items, [get_class($urls[0]), 'sort_items']); if ($end === 0) { return array_slice($items, $start); } return array_slice($items, $start, $end); } trigger_error('Cannot merge zero SimplePie objects', E_USER_WARNING); return []; } /** * Store PubSubHubbub links as headers * * There is no way to find PuSH links in the body of a microformats feed, * so they are added to the headers when found, to be used later by get_links. * @param \SimplePie\File $file * @param string $hub * @param string $self */ private function store_links(&$file, $hub, $self) { if (isset($file->headers['link']['hub']) || (isset($file->headers['link']) && preg_match('/rel=hub/', $file->headers['link']))) { return; } if ($hub) { if (isset($file->headers['link'])) { if ($file->headers['link'] !== '') { $file->headers['link'] = ', '; } } else { $file->headers['link'] = ''; } $file->headers['link'] .= '<'.$hub.'>; rel=hub'; if ($self) { $file->headers['link'] .= ', <'.$self.'>; rel=self'; } } } /** * Get a DataCache * * @param string $feed_url Only needed for BC, can be removed in SimplePie 2.0.0 * * @return DataCache */ private function get_cache($feed_url = '') { if ($this->cache === null) { // @trigger_error(sprintf('Not providing as PSR-16 cache implementation is deprecated since SimplePie 1.8.0, please use "SimplePie\SimplePie::set_cache()".'), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); $cache = $this->registry->call(Cache::class, 'get_handler', [ $this->cache_location, $this->get_cache_filename($feed_url), Base::TYPE_FEED ]); return new BaseDataCache($cache); } return $this->cache; } } class_alias('SimplePie\SimplePie', 'SimplePie');